
Aluminum Foil- Remedy For Back, Neck And Ankle Pain

If you feel any pain in your back, shoulders, neck and knees, put some aluminum foil on it and feel the pain go away.
According to Russian and Chinese healers, applying aluminum foil on your aching spot can block and relieve any pain.

Aluminum Foil- Remedy for Back Neck and Ankle Pain-1

 How Does The Aluminum Foil Works?

Take ordinary aluminum foil and place it directly on the painful area, just like a bandage. You can use aluminum foil for all sorts of pain such as: back, arms, legs, ankles, arthritis etc.

You can also heal post-operative scars with aluminum foil. Apply the foil directly on your scars.
Easing pain with aluminum foil is actually a Chinese method and it can be used 10-12 days in a row. You should change the foil every day and you can even wear it overnight. After using aluminum foil for 12 days, take a 7 days break and then repeat the treatment.

Aluminum Foil- Remedy for Back, Neck and Ankle Pain
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