
We Should All Know These 10 Things About Our Blood Type

Human blood is grouped into 4 different blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Our blood type group is determined from birth. Experts explain that each blood group has different characteristics.

In today’s article you can read about various aspects conditioned by person’s blood group.

Blood type and nutrition

Studies have proved that different blood types need different types of foods from which whey will get maximum benefit. For instance, individuals with blood type A should avoid meat and to include more vegetables in their nutrition. In addition to that, people with blood type O should take more proteins and for them it is advisable to eat more meat and fish. For individuals with type B it is recommended to avoid chicken meat and eat more red meat, while individuals with AB blood type it is recommended to consume lean meat and seafood.

Blood type and illnesses

Experts explain that each blood type is more or less prone to certain disease or condition. That is the reason why you should make a research about the risk of medical conditions which are common to your blood group.

Blood type and personality

It is considered that people who have blood type O are very self-confident, creative, social and outgoing individuals. On the other hand, people with blood type A are peaceful, artistic and trustworthy. AB individuals are very shy, but also responsible and reliable persons, and they take care of others. People with blood type B are strong, independent and very dedicated while are achieving their goals.

Blood type and pregnancy

Medical studies have showed that certain blood types contribute to an easier conception than others. For instance, women who have blood type AB have substantially lower production of follicle stimulating hormone and that actually allows the body to conceive much easier.

Blood type and stress

Due to the fact that level of adrenalin is higher at individuals with blood type O, these people get angry very quickly. They also need more time to calm down after certain stressful situation.

Blood antigens

Blood antigens are present in blood, but also can be presented elsewhere. For instance, these antigens are present in the digestive tract, from the mouth up to the colon and also in the nostrils and lungs.

Blood type and weight problems

Recent studies have proved that your blood type determines whether you’ll have belly fat or not. To be more precise, individuals with blood type A rarely experience belly fat problems, while people with blood type O are more prone to it.

Blood type and offspring

When it comes to the Rh factor, about 85% of the population is Rh positive. It is medically proved that in case if the woman is Rh (–) negative and the man who she conceives with is Rh (+) positive, the baby is at high risk of developing some health issue.

Blood type and workout

Individuals with blood type A are more prone to stress than others. For these people it is highly recommended to do relaxation exercises such as yoga and meditation. Additionally, people with blood type B like challenges in their life, and for them it is advisable to practice some activities that will balance their body and spirit. If you are blood type B, you can play tennis, but you also can try mountain climbing and martial arts.

Blood type and emergencies

Even though majority people don’t do this, it is advisable to carry some personal info regarding to your blood type in your wallet. Namely, in case of emergencies when you are unconscious and you may be in need of blood transfusion, this info would be very useful, instead of wasting time to check your blood type.

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