
Cholesterol Deposits Around The Eyes: Causes And Natural Remedies

If you have noticed yellowish spots in different sizes around your eyes, you should make a blood check, this might be a sign of high cholesterol.

These spots or also called cholesterol deposits can appear all around the eyes even on the eyelid or at the corners on the eyes. Even they are not provoking discomfort, they aren’t really a pleasant view. They can be removed surgically, but it’s not recommended if they are located too close to the eye.

These spots don’t always have to mean high cholesterol, but they are one of the symptoms, so don’t ignore it and check your blood. If they appear to be a cholesterol deposits, here are some home remedies how to get rid of them:

Causes of cholesterol deposits around the eyes

Usually the cholesterol deposits are noticed at older people, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t occur to anyone. They can also be provoked by other conditions, such as diabetes, some types of cancer and metabolic disorders. The result of all of these conditions can be high lipid levels in the blood, thereby the appearance of the cholesterol deposits is contributed.

Natural remedies that can help you to get rid of cholesterol deposits around the eyes

Castor oil. Put pure cold-pressed castor oil on a cotton ball and apply it on the cholesterol deposits. You can either massage it in or tape the cotton ball so the oil can be soaked in. Let it stay over the night and rinse it with warm water in the morning. The acid from the oil will help you to reduce the appearance of the cholesterol deposits.

Apple cider vinegar. The apple cider vinegar reduces the levels of cholesterol, so you can either ingest it regularly or put it on a cotton ball (diluted with water) and apply it to the area.

Fenugreek seeds. Put fenugreek seeds in water and leave it during the night. Drink it in the morning on empty stomach to bring down the cholesterol level. The liquid can also be applied on the area around the eyes.

Onions. Make a mixture of some onion juice and salt and leave it for few hours. Before going to bed, you can just apply it to the affected areas and leave it over the night or massage it in. Also you can reduce the cholesterol by adding some onion juice to your water.

Banana peels. Put the inside of a ripe banana peel over the affected area, fix it with bandage and leave it overnight. Remove it in the morning and rinse the area. For best results we recommend to repeat the process every night.

Coriander. Soak coriander seeds in warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drinking the water few times a day will help you reduce cholesterol.

Orange juice. The orange juice can help you to improve the LDL cholesterol, so drinking orange juice few times a day can help you reduce the cholesterol, consequently the deposits around the eyes will disappear.

Almonds. Eating tree nuts like almonds has been found to improve the cholesterol. You can also add almond powder in some milk and apply the paste to the area.

Other methods to manage cholesterol deposits around the eyes naturally

It’s really important to bring down the levels of cholesterol if you want to reduce the cholesterol deposits. Reducing the cholesterol involves many changes in everyday life. First of all you need to maintain healthy weight by eating foods rich in fiber and exercising regularly, then you need to quit smoking, minimize the intake of alcohol, red meat and dairy products. In the end, add as much fruits and vegetables as you can.

If these deposits are provoked by other conditions such as diabetes, you need to find proper treatment so the lipid levels in the blood don’t go up.

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