
Rub Your Feet With This And Say Goodbye To Varicose Veins, Corns And Cracked Heels In Just 10 Days

The skin is our largest organ that covers our body and protect us from external factors. If you want to stay healthy, it’s vital to protect it and maintain its health. Many people are indeed paying special attention to their face and hands, but rarely anyone is worried about the condition of their feet, which is wrong as they are very important for our overall health.

The feet are not exposed constantly like our hands, which is why people forget to care about them. This leads to numerous problems such as dry skin, itchy feet, corns and fungal infections. These problems are most often caused by uncomfortable shoes, poor diet and lack of skin moisture, but they can be easily treated with the help of a natural remedy that will improve the condition of your feet and resolve problems such as varicose veins as well.

You will need the following ingredients: 

1 tablespoon of turmeric

1 cup of rubbing alcohol

10 aspirin pills


Pour the alcohol in a container, then add the turmeric and mix well. Next, crush the aspirin pills to powder and add them to the mixture, then cover the container and leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.


Apply the mixture on your feet and rub it in gently, then wrap your feet in a cotton cloth and cover everything with plastic foil. Put on socks to secure everything in place, and leave the remedy to work overnight.

Remove the coating in the morning and rinse your feet with lukewarm water, then apply a hydrating cream and that’s it. Repeat the treatment every night before going to bed for 10 days for best results. After 10 days, your feet should look noticeably better.

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