My Blog My WordPress Blog 2023-01-28T16:29:16Z WordPress admin <![CDATA[How to Quickly Remove a Bruise]]> 2023-01-28T16:29:16Z 2023-01-28T16:29:14Z WHAT IS A BRUISE? Bruises occur when blood leaks out from small blood vessels under the skin, explains Dr. Nader, creating that distinctive dark, purplish color. (Did you know the color of your bruise can tell you something about the state of your injury?) So the moment you make contact with something, you have to act quickly. […]

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Bruises occur when blood leaks out from small blood vessels under the skin, explains Dr. Nader, creating that distinctive dark, purplish color. (Did you know the color of your bruise can tell you something about the state of your injury?) So the moment you make contact with something, you have to act quickly. First, place an ice bag or a cold compress over the area to help reduce immediate swelling. The cold restricts your blood vessels, slowing the flow—and that will tone down the coloring of your bruise. Be sure to apply the cold compress ten minutes on, 20 minutes off, several times a day.


What about those times when you happen to notice a bruise—and you have no idea how long it’s been there? “If the swelling is gone, you can use a warm compress—essentially promoting the opposite behavior of the cold compress,” Dr. Nader says. “At this stage, heat will prompt blood flow to the area, ushering away any pooled up blood in the area.”

One tactic to avoid, according to Dr. Nader: Pushing on a bruise to try and break up the blood beneath the skin. This is not proven effective and could result in additional soreness and bruising. (Yikes.)


Generally, bruises clear up within five to seven days, she says, although the length depends on the severity of the bruise. If you notice pain and tenderness that won’t go away, see a doctor—you may have an underlying injury.

Got bruises that turn up all the time and you can’t figure out why? Again, see a doctor as it could be a sign of something more serious. And remember that any bruise to the head should be monitored closely—it might be a concussion. Next, read about the real reason why you bruise so easily.

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admin <![CDATA[Homemade Cream That Will Erase Your Wrinkles in Just 7 Days]]> 2023-01-28T16:25:37Z 2023-01-28T16:25:27Z If you’re one of those women that who are terrified of getting wrinkles then it’s time to try our homemade wrinkle cream. This amazing anti-wrinkle cream is made from all natural products, it doesn’t contain any chemicals and it’s so easy to prepare. The cream will keep your skin hydrated and will slow down the […]

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If you’re one of those women that who are terrified of getting wrinkles then it’s time to try our homemade wrinkle cream. This amazing anti-wrinkle cream is made from all natural products, it doesn’t contain any chemicals and it’s so easy to prepare.


The cream will keep your skin hydrated and will slow down the aging process. The best part is that it’s perfect for all skin types!

Here’s what you’ll need to prepare the cream:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp. olive or almond oil
  • ½ tbsp. honey
  • 2 tbsp. Vaseline


Melt the Vaseline on steam. Once it’s fully melted, remove it from the steam and add the other ingredients. Put the mixture in a glass or plastic container.

Apply the cream and gently massage your face. Leave the cream on for 30 minutes and then remove it with clean sponges dipped in mineral water. We strongly advise you to apply the cream 2 hours before going to bed. Keep the homemade cream in the fridge since it’s made from all natural products.

The effects will be noticeable after 7 days of using this homemade anti-wrinkle cream.

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admin <![CDATA[6 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Doesn’t Work as it Should]]> 2023-01-26T12:23:24Z 2023-01-26T12:23:21Z There are approximately 610,000 people dying of heart-related problems each year in the US alone. The most common reasons for developing heart diseases are the lifestyle and bad habits in men and women. There are many symptoms and signs showing that your heart doesn’t work properly. It’s essential to notice these signs earlier and consult with your doctor […]

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There are approximately 610,000 people dying of heart-related problems each year in the US alone. The most common reasons for developing heart diseases are the lifestyle and bad habits in men and women.

There are many symptoms and signs showing that your heart doesn’t work properly. It’s essential to notice these signs earlier and consult with your doctor immediately.

Here are 6 very common heart disease warning signs that you should pay attention to.


Many have experienced pain in one or both arms before having a heart attack. This happens when the pain from your heart travels to your spinal cord where many nerves of your body are connected and your brain gets confused and thinks that your arm is in actual pain when that’s not the case.


Coughing can be caused by many reasons, but persistent coughing can also be a sign of more serious problem such as cardiovascular disease. Coughing blood or pink liquid tells you that you have a heart failure.


Skin rashes and unusual spots can be also a sign for heart disease. According to the recent studies, those who had eczema were found to have a 48% possibility of suffering from high blood pressure and a 29% possibility of having high cholesterol. Additionally, those who had shingles were 59% more likely to have a heart attack than people who didn’t have this condition.


Pale skin can be a sign of reduced blood flow and reduced number of red blood cells, which indicates your might have a heart failure. Paleness can appear in a certain body part or in the entire body when your heart doesn’t pump blood enough. If you notice paleness, do not panic. Visit your doctor for further check-ups.


Losing consciousness is very common among those with heart-related problems. When the heart is not pumping blood as it should, you might have clogged artery which can lead to heart attack. If you faint very often, you should definitely visit your doctor for a check-up.


When your heart is not pumping properly, the fluid from your blood vessels leaks into surrounding tissues and cause your legs and feet to swell. This is called peripheral edema and many people who have it do not have heart disease. But still, it is a very common symptom amongst heart disease patients and you should pay close attention to it.

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admin <![CDATA[6 Mind Blowing Benefits Of Massaging The Breasts & How To Massage!]]> 2023-01-24T16:42:34Z 2023-01-24T16:42:32Z Women include many things and spend a lot of time in their everyday beauty routine in order to appear more attractive. It may sound a bit strange, but women should also include this old technique of massaging their breasts because of its health benefits. First thing is that the massage brings blood flow to the […]

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Women include many things and spend a lot of time in their everyday beauty routine in order to appear more attractive.

It may sound a bit strange, but women should also include this old technique of massaging their breasts because of its health benefits. First thing is that the massage brings blood flow to the breast which helps them grow.

A study conducted in the Texas Institute of Functional Medicines, confirms that massaging the women’s breast can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer and it also has many other positive effects on the woman’s body.

Here Are 6 Benefits Of Breast Massage:

Breast Cancer
Massaging your breasts can save your life. Moreover, the massage increases the circulation of the lymph which contains infection-fighting cells which is able to remove toxins. So, as a result, this massage can heal cancer.

Enlarge breasts size
Breast size is mostly influenced by the hormones. Massage can stimulate your body to produce more hormones and bring them to that specific area – the breasts. With the use of certain oils and herbs, this enlargement process by massage can become even faster.

Prevent sagging and improve shape
Since there are no muscles in breast tissue that we can grow, the only way of getting better-shaped breasts is the massage. Improved and more often circulation will tone up the tissues and will tighten your sagging skin.

Relieve pain and discomfort
Many women encounter discomfort in their breast during menses. In order to help yourself alleviate that tension, just massage your breasts and the increased flow of blood and lymph will relieve you of pain and discomfort in that area. If you add a few drops of soothing essential oil, such as chamomile, to the massage oil or cream, you will speed the effect.

Reduce scars and improve skin tone
Breast massage is always suggested for women who have experienced breast surgery. Lymph drainage in this area reinforces healthy healing of the scars and reduces post-surgery pain. Massage with certain oils can also help to reduce old scars and stretch marks, giving your skin smoothness and even tone.

Prevent and reduce wrinkles
In order to make your chest skin smooth and glowing, make sure to massage them on a regular basis because the progressed circulation in breast tissue will generate cells to regenerate.


Use a Lubricant
By applying an oil like olive oil you don’t only give the breasts the essential nutrients that it lacks but also help yourself by greasing the area. This will help the hands do the perfect movements and give you a smoother massage. This should be performed on a regular basis and whenever a massage is being used.

Warm Hands
Prior to massage your breasts, apply some cream or oil onto your hands, rub them together firmly until they get warm and then massage.

Rub Breasts
First of all, place your palms on your breasts and tenderly rub them using an orbicular motion. Move your hands in different directions: right hand clockwise and your left one counter-clockwise.
Each rub should last for a couple of seconds.

Be Gentle
Be very gentle while massaging your breasts since the area is very sensitive and you wouldn’t want to create a negative outcome from your massage. Perform gentle but firm massage for maximum benefits.

Repeat this method 2 times daily in the morning and in the evening in order to achieve optimal results. You should only spend 10 to 15 minutes a day to perform this treatment.

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admin <![CDATA[Your Husband Will Thank You Tonight! You Can Say Goodbye To Vaginal Yeast Infection And Bad Odor With This Homemade Ingredient!]]> 2023-01-24T16:41:56Z 2023-01-24T16:41:51Z Hey princess, did you know that your private part is designed to maintain its self clean, and you need to look for an easy and effective way to make it clean and fresh– and why you don’t need douches or vag1nal wipes. Looking after your everyday health can help keep your vag1na in good shape. Generally, […]

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Hey princess, did you know that your private part is designed to maintain its self clean, and you need to look for an easy and effective way to make it clean and fresh– and why you don’t need douches or vag1nal wipes. Looking after your everyday health can help keep your vag1na in good shape. Generally, good vag1nal health is maintained by making sure you’re in good general health.


  1. Wash with hot water only. 

Well, it may seem counter intuitive, but washing your v@gina with soap, whether it’s bar soap or liquid, isn’t the best way to keep clean.

  1. Don’t use scented soap

While vqginas are technically self-cleaning, sometimes you want to give them a bit of extra help. It’s totally fine to soap off your vulva and labia when you’re cleaning the rest of your body, but make sure that you’re using unscented soap. Soaps or cleaners that are perfumed can mess with your normal, healthy balance.

  1. Stop getting hot baths.
  2. This may eliminate your natural bacteria. Try getting showers or hot baths to view if it can help reduce your vqginal odor.Avoid Pads and Panty LinersAvoid pads and panty liners outside your time you desire vqginal discharge to be evil from the body, not placed close by stuff like pads and panty liners next to it. Use these only once you’ll need them and completely don’t use scented items (as these can throw off your own body’s natural balance).Have good hygiene during your period. Many women experience an increased rate of vqginal infections when they’re menstruating, since having blood in the vqgina changes its pH and throws things out of balance.In this article learn how you can remove vqginal odor by using some of the effective natural home remedies.Soak Yourself in Apple Cider Vinegar.Apple cider vinegar can be a natural antibacterial. Add 1 to 2 cups (240 to 470 ml) of it to your bathwater and soak for 20 minutes. The vinegar should help do away with toxins and bacteria that’s causing your vginal odor.YogurtAnother good ingredient that can be used to deal with vginal odor is yogurt. Yogurt is full of lactobacillus bacteria, which help combat candida infection and restore the conventional vaginal pH level.White VinegarWhite vinegar has the capacity by deteriorating odor proteins to neutralize odors. It will also help restore pH levels within the vgina. Just mix one-half cup all of the white vinegar and salt in cold bath water.Soak inside for a couple minutes.Follow this solution repeatedly weekly.

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admin <![CDATA[If You Feel These Symptoms Your Intestines Might Be Full Of Parasites! Luckily You Can Remove Them With This Natural Mixture!]]> 2023-01-24T16:39:04Z 2023-01-24T16:39:02Z Parasites live anywhere and thrive anywhere as well. They are also found in humans and animals and thus they get food. Many insects like single-celled organisms or worms make the infections of the parasites much and multiply by millions in the United States. Humans suffer often from serious diseases of parasites. Parasite diseases are made […]

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Parasites live anywhere and thrive anywhere as well. They are also found in humans and animals and thus they get food.

Many insects like single-celled organisms or worms make the infections of the parasites much and multiply by millions in the United States.

Humans suffer often from serious diseases of parasites. Parasite diseases are made by protozoa and helminths.

Protozoa are a single-cell organism like any other animal, hunt and collect microbes. Many of them are inside their intestines and the tract and do no harm. Some, on the other hand, make diseases like Giardia and malaria.

Protozoans spend their lives outside of humans and such hosts and thrive in food, water, soil, and insects. Some even invade you for what you eat and drink.

Helminths are large parasites and their eggs enter our body. It lives in the intestines, lungs, liver, brain, and skin and gets its nutrients. These are also known as tapeworms and nematodes.

Ask for a doctor in case you see some of these symptoms and signs:

• Heavy Breathing

• Long-lasting cough

• Rapid Heartbeat

• Rash and fever

• swelling

• Blurred vision

• vomiting

• Pain

Can you treat parasites in a natural way?

If you have once the diagnosis, you can start by making this tea to clean the body.


• garlic cloves

• Ginger a slice

How to Prepare:

Grate the ¼ of the garlic and the ½ of the ginger and place in the pan. Add water and heat until boiling. Then remove from heat and allow to cool. Consume 3 minutes before eating.

We really hope you enjoyed this article, thanks for reading, and do not forget to share this article with your friends and family. Thank you.

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admin <![CDATA[5 Warning Signs Your Tongue Could Be Sending About Your Overall Health]]> 2023-01-24T16:38:20Z 2023-01-24T16:38:18Z Every time you visit your doctor, he or she probably examines your tongue right away. If you’ve ever wondered what a simple glance at your tongue is telling your doctor, you’re not alone. Here are just a few of the health concerns your tongue might be broadcasting at a glance. Hairy tongue Oral health is […]

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Every time you visit your doctor, he or she probably examines your tongue right away. If you’ve ever wondered what a simple glance at your tongue is telling your doctor, you’re not alone.

Here are just a few of the health concerns your tongue might be broadcasting at a glance.

Hairy tongue

Oral health is important for so many reasons — and good oral hygiene is part of that plan.

If you look in the mirror and your tongue looks black and hairy, don’t panic. Chances are good that you just need a good tooth brushing routine, and maybe some quality time with a tongue scraper.

“Poor oral health sets you up for a higher risk of heart disease,” Dr. Steven Lamm, NYU Langone Medical Center internist and the clinical assistant professor told Women’s Health.

The bumps you normally see on your tongue are called papillae, and they’re normally worn down by everyday eating and drinking. If they don’t wear down for some reason, they start to trap bacteria and particularly sticky things you eat or drink — think coffee and black tea. That’s when your tongue starts to appear discolored in alarming but harmless ways.

Be aware that other health concerns may contribute to the hairy tongues, such as diabetes, antibiotic use, and patients undergoing chemotherapy, advised family physician Dr. Daniel Allan of the Cleveland Clinic.

White stuff appears on the surface of your tongue

This is a little gross, but if your tongue looks like it’s covered in cottage cheese, you should probably see your doctor.

“This could be a sign of a fungal infection, which is a clue that something else is going on that has upset the natural levels of fungus-fighting bacteria in the mouth,” Dr. Lamm told Women’s Health.

“People with diabetes and those who are taking inhaled steroids for asthma or lung disease can also [exhibit oral thrush, which] is more likely to occur after you’ve taken antibiotics,” agreed Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Allan.


However, if the white stuff on your tongue is patchy and not covering your tongue completely, it might be leukoplakia — a condition commonly seen in smokers. While it’s not dangerous in and of itself, it could also be a precursor to cancer. You should definitely see your dentist for a professional evaluation right away if you see this in the mirror.

Abnormally red tongue

A pink tongue is a normal, healthy sight. But if your tongue is as red as roses or strawberries, it’s definitely no time for romance. You could have scarlet fever — a bacterial infection that can cause high fevers, as well as rashes. It’s also extremely contagious, so you should see a doctor immediately.

Sore or unusually bumpy tongue

Canker sores happen to the best of us, and no one really knows why — even doctors. They pop up when we’re stressed, or sometimes when we’re fighting nasty colds or the flu. The good news is that although they’re annoying, they’re usually harmless and just require some over-the-counter treatment that you can get at any pharmacy.

If you notice a painful or tender lump that isn’t a canker sore and just won’t go away, it could be squamous papilloma, which is an irregular bump associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). At this time, doctors can advise a course of treatment that may involve lasering the bump off — but there’s currently no cure for HPV.

Deep wrinkles or an abnormally swollen tongue

If the surface of your tongue starts to look cracked and grooved like a field going through a severe drought, you may have an autoimmune disorder, Dr. Lamm warned Women’s Health.

However, if your tongue just feels like it’s way too big for your mouth, Dr. Lamm advised that it could be a sign of hypothyroidism. With this condition, your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain hormones you need to function normally. Symptoms include fatigue, increased cold sensitivity, muscle aches and weakness, depression, elevated cholesterol levels, and more.

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admin <![CDATA[According To Science, You Are Single Because Your Lips Look Like This]]> 2023-01-24T16:36:44Z 2023-01-24T16:36:42Z Researchers and physiognomists look at the lips become one of the more essential features to pay focus on whenever trying to figure out a character that is person’s. We express our ideas verbally and in so doing something which is reveal of character and psychological peculiarities.We are determined to take a better look at the […]

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Researchers and physiognomists look at the lips become one of the more essential features to pay focus on whenever trying to figure out a character that is person’s.

We express our ideas verbally and in so doing something which is reveal of character and psychological peculiarities.
We are determined to take a better look at the form of people’s lips to test just how accurately they mirror an personality that is individual’s.

Large puffy lips

People possessing lips shaped like this were simply made to look after someone.You might have invested lots of time whenever you were a child feeding stray kittens or assisting at animal shelters and planning to bring every animal house if your lips are like this.

You have an innate and strong instinct that is maternal a desire to protect and protect other people. In just about any situation that is stressful you might think to begin with about other folks and only then about yourself. Individuals similar to this generally speaking result in the best moms and dads.

The upper lip is larger than the lower one

Somebody who has lips like this is, quite simply, a drama queen. They’re emotional, charismatic, love life, and draw focus on by themselves.

They have a high opinion of themselves and possess the ability to draw others to them. They simply love being the center of attention. The most striking turn of phrase and funniest joke always comes from them.

The lower lip is larger than the upper one

A person who has lips like this is, basically, a drama queen. They’re psychological, charismatic, love life, and draw attention to by themselves.

They’ve a opinion that is high of and still have the ability to draw other people in their mind. They just love being the biggest market of attention. The absolute most turn that is striking of and funniest joke constantly arises from them.

The lower lip is larger than the upper one

People with ordinary-looking lips like they are usually those with a balanced, common-sense way of resolving all kinds of task put in front of those. Their skills lie inside their capacity to listen to other people. They take critique lightly and treat others viewpoints which can be respect.

Making them mad is practically impossible. But, despite their stoicism that is iron-clad still love to laugh and joke, while the glass is obviously half full for them.

Thin lips

Individuals with slim lips are, as a guideline, often loners. They just like it like that. They’re also self-reliant and will handle any issue. Then you’re probably the form of individual who has simply no need of business whenever likely to search well for a museum as well as when going on vacation to remote islands for those who have slim lips.

But, despite your love of solitude, you are feeling completely at home in a mixed crowd. You’ll quickly find a language that is typical individuals, and you also value others with regards to their actions.

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admin <![CDATA[5 Things Your Partner Should Never Ask You For]]> 2023-01-24T16:35:58Z 2023-01-24T16:35:56Z When you’re in a relationship, you want to do everything you can for your partner. When you’re in love, you’d move heaven and earth to make your partner smile. But when does this become dangerous, as opposed to romantic? Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse the trust and devotion of […]

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When you’re in a relationship, you want to do everything you can for your partner. When you’re in love, you’d move heaven and earth to make your partner smile. But when does this become dangerous, as opposed to romantic?

Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse the trust and devotion of their significant other. They ask for seemingly small things one at a time until they build up into a terrifying crescendo of toxicity and emotional abuse that is very difficult to break free from.

It’s important that you are aware of the difference between a reasonable request and a controlling, manipulative one. That way, you can catch any harmful ones and nip them in the bud before they grow out of control.



Each person in a relationship should have their own lives outside of the partnership – friends, family, or any other kind of social group that is separate from their partner’s. They should not be made to feel like they have to cut themselves off and rely on their partner alone. This is extremely unhealthy and leads to codependency.

A partner who tries to cut you off from those you care about is exhibiting a form of emotional abuse. They are forcing you to depend only on them and keeping you to themselves. It’s jealous, controlling, and toxic. They may say convincing things, such as: (1)

  • But I don’t get to spend any time with you anymore! (Even when you spend a lot of time with them already.)
  • I don’t trust that friend of yours. I’m pretty sure they’re backstabbing you.
  • Your mother is toxic; don’t you see that? I’m just looking out for you!
  • I’m just not comfortable with you having male/female friends.
  • None of your friends like you anyway.

It’s not unusual for a partner to dislike the occasional person in your life. Not everyone is going to get along. They are more than welcome to talk to you about their worries regarding someone in your life; however, they must respect that, at the end of the day, it is your decision who you keep in your life.


Partners are supposed to support each other and lift each other up. They are supposed to celebrate together and be proud of each other. If your partner is telling you that you shouldn’t or don’t deserve to be proud, or that you should tone it down a notch, that’s a big red flag.

When you’re in a relationship, you want to do everything you can for your partner. When you’re in love, you’d move heaven and earth to make your partner smile. But when does this become dangerous, as opposed to romantic?

Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse the trust and devotion of their significant other. They ask for seemingly small things one at a time until they build up into a terrifying crescendo of toxicity and emotional abuse that is very difficult to break free from.

It’s important that you are aware of the difference between a reasonable request and a controlling, manipulative one. That way, you can catch any harmful ones and nip them in the bud before they grow out of control.


No partner is perfect. At some point, your partner will slip up and wrong you. But if their immediate reaction when you call them out on the problem is to deflect blame or make excuses, you’re in trouble. A partner like this might say things like:

  • I didn’t mean to do it! Can’t you just forget it, already?
  • Come on, it’s not a big deal. Let it go.
  • You made me do this!

In these cases, they may be asking you to forgive and overlook actions like:

  • Violence
  • Unwarranted outbursts
  • Cheating
  • Invasions of personal privacy
  • Violation of boundaries

Should you hold a grudge forever? No, of course not; you have to either move forward in the relationship or decide to break up. It’s not fair to hold a mistake against someone forever.

But, at the same time, you should not feel forced or guilt-tripped into forgiving and forgetting too quickly – and you definitely shouldn’t be asked to overlook toxicity. Instead, work together to overcome the problem with positive thinking.


You’re not your partner’s errand-servant. You’re not there to solve their problems on your own so they can avoid them. If a partner continuously asks you to take on a middleman role, tread carefully. Here are a couple of situations where you might find yourself in the middle.


A partner may get into a disagreement with someone you know and force you to pick a side. While you will likely support your partner because of your loyalty to them, the choice should still be up to you in the end and you shouldn’t be pressured into agreeing with them.


Does your partner ask you to help them communicate with their friends or family members? Are you constantly asked to be the one to pass messages to others on their behalf, so they don’t have to face the consequences? This simply isn’t fair on you.


A toxic partner will say something like: “It’s either me or them!” In essence, they try to force you to choose either something/someone you care for very much or your relationship. This is a form of blackmail and cannot be looked upon in any positive way.


Some partners may feel insecure about the fact that you earn more or similar to them. Conversely, if you earn less than them, they may think negatively of you for not earning enough. Either way, these are toxic thoughts to have – and when acted on, they are especially damaging.

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admin <![CDATA[10 Places Where Men Most Love To Be Touched]]> 2023-01-24T16:35:05Z 2023-01-24T16:35:03Z We always want to be establishing physical intimacy in our relationship in an effort to get closer to our partners. In this day and age, no relationship is ever going to survive when there is no intimacy – both on an emotional and physical level. And that’s why you can’t be afraid of getting touchy […]

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We always want to be establishing physical intimacy in our relationship in an effort to get closer to our partners. In this day and age, no relationship is ever going to survive when there is no intimacy – both on an emotional and physical level. And that’s why you can’t be afraid of getting touchy with your man. You shouldn’t underestimate a man’s willingness and need to be sensual. Yes, he’s going to go crazy over all of those subtle touches, the suggestive glances, the sweet caresses, the passionate kisses, and the tight hugs. These are all great physical manifestations of love and you should never be shy about showing them to your man. You never want to be the withholding of your feelings in your own relationship. You wouldn’t want your man to think that you are just taking him for granted. You always want him to feel like you are willing to work hard for his love.

So, make sure that you never limit yourself. Always be finding new ways to make him FEEL the love that he has for you. Be creative. Shake things up. Always be willing to do whatever it takes to preserve the level of passion, love, and intimacy in your relationship. You already know that he enjoys being touched by the woman that he loves. So, capitalize on that. And if you’re unsure how to get creative with it, then just refer to this article. You can start here so you can gain some ideas on how you can really touch your man and ignite that flame of physical intimacy in your relationship.


It’s a very subtle but very intimate gesture that he’s definitely going to enjoy most especially if he has messy hair, to begin with.


Just some slight nibbling is going to be enough to do the trick. Don’t be chomping down on him to the point of hurting him – unless of course, that happens to be what he likes.


A little tongue action while the two of you are Frenching is always going to be welcome. Don’t be afraid to play around with it a little bit. Get creative and respond to his advances. Give him healthy doses of aggression and gentleness just to mix things up.


Make it seem very intimate and discreet. Make him feel like there is a secret that you want to tell him. There are certain pleasures and sensations that arise as a result of being whispered to – and men absolutely love that.


There’s no denying that the touching of hands and feet can often lead to sex. There’s just something inherently sexy about the meeting of two peoples’ limbs.


Take not that not all guys are typically going to be into this – and it’s unlikely that guys will love it more than girls do. However, men’s nipples can still be very sensitive areas that will crave for some stimulation. Just try it out once to see if your man likes it.


If you happen to be making love to one another and he happens to be facing you, try to grab a hold of his sacrum – or in other terms, his lower back. You are adding support to the position that you’re in and it shows him that you are staying mindful of other aspects of his body with your hands especially.


This is a very suggestive gesture that is going to drive a lot of men crazy. When you run your hands, fingers, feet, lips, or tongue up his thigh, it’s going to make him wild. You are essentially suggesting to him that you want to go to the ultimate hotspot, but you stop just shy of it. It’s a tease but he’s going to be welcome to it.


Not a lot of women are familiar with the perineum and not guys may know this as well so that might make things a little more challenging at first. It’s the area of a man’s body that can be found just between his anus and his scrotum. This area is actually a very sensitive erogenous zone and a lot of men enjoy the pleasure of stimulation there.


You are probably familiar with the idea of a G spot. Of course, you are. You are a woman. But have you ever heard of a guy’s F spot? F actually stands for frenulum and most guys love to be stimulated in that area. It is actually the underside of his penis that is composed of loose skin. It should be shaped like a V and most pleasure centers are found at the tip of that V.

The post 10 Places Where Men Most Love To Be Touched appeared first on My Blog.
